We know how important and special this day is and we want you to celebrate it with you!

In the month of June precisely on the 28th, the celebration of the LGBTQIA+ pride day takes place. This date is celebrated internationally. But what exactly do they celebrate and what happens on this day? Then we will tell you all the events that gave rise to this commemoration.


June is pride month when the world's LGBTQIA+ communities come together to celebrate gender freedom. The celebration of this day is given thanks to minority groups who have constantly struggled for decades to overcome prejudice and be accepted for who they are.

The LGBTQIA+ community encompasses Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Transsexual, Crossdresser, Intersexual, Queer, Asexual, and more. During this date, they commemorate the struggle for their rights. In different countries, marches are held reminding everyone that there should be no differences between people, regardless of their sexual identity, gender, and preferences.

The impact of this commemoration is so great that not only people belonging to the community go out to march but also heterosexual people take to the streets to support the just cause for inclusion and equality.

It is very important that both society and the government understand the importance that anyone is free to express themselves and feel as they are, whether or not they belong to the community, we all have the same rights under the law. Also, emphasize that they do not deserve to be judged or violated for participating in it.

Clounic quiere que te expreses como lo desees

En Clounic deseamos que te expreses a tu manera a través de tu belleza única y tu propio estilo, sin pensar qué concepto tendrá de ti la sociedad. Deseamos ser tu aliado para tu cuidado personal y que saques la mejor versión de ti, en donde te permitas ser quien eres y expresar tu imagen como quieres hacerlo. Es por esto que te ofrecemos diversos servicios de uñas, pestañas, depilación y más, para que te consientas y vivas la mejor experiencia dentro de tu propio entorno.

No importa cual sea tu género, identidad sexual o preferencias, es de gran importancia para nosotros que te sientas libre de escoger el servicio que quieras y libre de pedirle a nuestros técnicos que lo realicen como tu lo deseas. Ya sea en junio para conmemorar este día tan especial o en cualquier otra época del año, siempre atrévete a ser quien eres.

Siéntete una persona orgullosa de sí misma, de cómo luces y que no tiene miedo del que dieran. En Clounic estamos siempres dispuestos a apoyarte en el descubrimiento de cómo quieres mostrarte día a día. #LivePrideWithClounic

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